In 1988 and 1991 forensic studies threw light on the question of whether or not the claimed gas chambers at Auschwitz had served as slaughter houses for hundreds of thousands of people. Both studies had concluded that the only facilities where Zyklon B gas had been used were hygienic rather than homicidal, killing bugs rather than Jews.
In his book Breaking the Spell, Dr. Kollerstrom shows that “witness statements” supporting the human gas chamber narrative clearly clash with the available data:
- Zyklon B is a buzz word for the claimed Nazi mass murder, but all non-anecdotal evidence proves that this chemical was merely used as a pesticide in order to improve the inmates’ health and reduce, not increase, camp mortality.
- The Auschwitz camp authorities kept meticulous records of who died in the camp and why. A statistical analysis of the data does not match the kind of data to be expected, if the widespread view of what transpired in that camp were true.
- The UK’s intelligence decrypts prove that the German camp authorities were desperately trying to save their inmates’ lives.
- Zyklon B applied in delousing chambers formed chemical compounds detectable to this day. No such compounds can be found, but ought to be expected, in the claimed homicidal gas chambers.
- “Six Million Jews threatened or killed”: read 167 quotes from newspapers with that “news” spanning from 1900 to 1945, with a peak after World War ONE! Yes, one, not two!
- Germany has paid compensation to millions of Nazi victims, and Israel has implicitly admitted that many million Jews survived the Holocaust.
- A British archaeological team looked for traces of the claimed 800,000 victims of the Treblinka camp—and came back empty-handed.
- The Auschwitz camp had for the inmates: a swimming pool, soccer games, theatre, library, choirs, orchestras, hospital with modern surgeries…
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