The All Lies Invasion: Lies that Degrade World War Two


By Mike Walsh, Published in 2015

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As some, not all celebrate Victory in Europe 70-years after the surrender of the German Armed Forces, the lies and spin woven on the Third Reich become more intense than ever. All conflicts sleep in history. The Third Reich refuses to sleep. Is there an awareness that the influence of Adolf Hitler and his legacy are never going to be defeated? Dr Joseph Goebbels, before taking the lives of himself and his family made a prophecy. “One day the lies will break down under their own weight. We will stand as pure and undefiled as we have ever been.” The internet offers access to background information once closely guarded by mainstream editors and publishers’ desks. Are people now waking to the fact that Winston Churchill’s conspiracy to wage trade war on Germany, resulted in economic disaster for Britain, end of the British Empire, the Rise of Bolshevik Occupied Russia, and the destruction of Europe? Due to desperation perhaps, mainstream spin on the Third Reich, and Churchill’s disastrous war, is more intense than ever. This book, The All Lies Invasion is published to coincide with triumphalism now goose-stepping over the graves of tens of millions of Europeans. For these unfortunates, handed over at war’s end to Bolshevik Russia, the lights of freedom went out on May 8 1945. To save Poland, Winston Churchill wrecked Britain and its Empire. Before Allied troops bodies were cold in their graves Churchill handed Poland and ten other European nations to Josef Stalin. German ships taken as war prizes, were used to facilitate the non-European invasion of Britain. The suffering of these unfortunate victims has nothing to do with the Third Reich or Adolf Hitler. The root cause was the Allied division of Europe and the lies spun by mainstream media and its revisionist writers.

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