The Hypocrisies of Heaven


By Leo Yankevich, Published in 2016



“This long-awaited and very welcome collection, The Hypocrisies of Heaven, gathers together the great bulk of Leo Yankevich’s recent poetry, along with some earlier works. It establishes, without any cavil or doubt, his crucial importance as one of the foremost poets of our day, in both style and substance. Together with Tikkum Olam and Journey Late at Night, this collection will be the backbone of Yankevich’s literary corpus, though I hope and trust that he will remain with us for many more years to come, producing further work in the same vein. Yankevich is a poet of notable gifts, but even more important, he is also a poet of strength, courage, and forcefulness of a non-literary kind. The world has plenty of poets, some of them actually competent. But it has very few poets of the hard-bitten toughness and honesty of Leo Yankevich. I salute him as the Spanish nationalists saluted their leader: Viva siempre!” —Joseph S. Salemi

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