The Parihaka Cult


By Kerry Bolton, Published in 2016



The events that took place in and around Parihaka particularly from about 1860 to 1900 have affected the political, cultural and spiritual dynamics of the entire country’. Human Rights Commission, 2010

The ‘colonial invasion’ of Parihaka in 1881 and the arrest of its self-styled ‘prophets’ Te Whiti and Tohu, have become a major part of the New Zealand narrative that has been revised to inculcate a guilt complex into European, especially British-descended, New Zealanders in the interests of tribal agendas. As such, the Parihaka legend ranks alongside America’s ‘Wounded Knee’ and South Africa’s ‘Sharpeville’ as part of a world-wide offensive against the past, present and future of European-descended peoples.

Over the past forty-years or so, we in New Zealand have watched our history being systematically re-invented, not based upon documented evidence of real-events that actually occurred on the ground, but solely to serve a modern-day need for made-to-order propaganda.

One of the foremost of the churned-out, manufactured-myths surrounds the mid-19th century creation of a cultist-community called ‘Parihaka’, now represented, in typical Marxist-speak, as some kind of a Gandhi-inspiring bastion of righteousness and passive-resistance against imperialist tyranny.

Dr Kerry Bolton delves deeply into the huge body of extant historical documentation, contemporary to Parihaka’s founding prophet, and lays the entire, lame-fantasy bare for all to see. What has been emotively bantered-about as New Zealand’s ‘Holocaust’ or ‘Genocide’ at Parihaka, due to the very belated intervention by troops of a long-suffering government, renders-down to little more than a Maori boy with a sore foot, after it was trodden on by a horse. – Martin Doutré – Archaeological-surveyor, researcher, author of Ancient Celtic New Zealand and The Littlewood Treaty.

Having over half a century of hands-on experience with regard to the true early history of this country I find your book very exciting, very well researched, and a constructive history of the events of the time.- Noel Hilliam – Former Director Dargaville Museum, New Zealand.

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