The Uniqueness of Western Law


By Richard Storey, Published in 2019



A Reactionary Manifesto

Defending an original interpretation of libertarian theory, Richard Storey, taking his bearings from the work of groundbreaking thinkers like Ricardo Duchesne and Hans-Hermann Hoppe, builds on his opening premise that libertarianism is ‘only a theory of law’, to show precisely what this deceptively simply formulation really contains. Unfolding the ramifications of libertarian thought — on everything from nationalism, statism and multiculturalism to our understanding of the history and politics of the West, from democracy and terrorism to womanhood and fatherhood — Storey’s work offers challenges to the defenders and critics of libertarianism alike, and above all, opens new territory for consideration of the great challenges confronting the West at this historical moment.

All too many libertarians misconstrue the philosophy they are explaining. Not Richard Storey. He correctly states that libertarianism is solely a theory of just law. This chapter alone is worth the entire cost of admission. As a contrarian myself, I take my hat off to this author for his fearlessness and bravery. — Walter E. Block, Ph.D., Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of Economics, Loyola University New Orleans

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