The War Against White Women

My Account as a White Woman


My Awakening

In order to understand how I came to know about the war against white women, we must go back to the year 2006. I had moved from my quiet village in Yorkshire, northern England, to Bradford; a city which was seventy-six percent “white British” in 2001, sixty-three percent white British in 2011, and is likely to be around fifty percent white British today.

Before my move, I would have described myself as tolerant and open-minded. Although I’ve never been an open-borders enthusiast, I judged people as individuals and I chose to see only the good in everybody I would meet. My school report from when I was 11 read:

This term, [Laura] has focused on the Muslim faith learning a lot about their way of life. Laura sympathises with the different religions of the world and feels that being kind and helpful to others is the most important factor in life.

By moving cities, I was thrust from my homogeneous, safe, and familiar community to a population-dense district, made up almost entirely of Pakistani Muslims (around three-quarters of the population) and the white working class. I had no inhibitions at the time. There were a couple of Pakistani girls at my old school who, apart from their appearance, were just like me and my friends. I was also taught during my formal education that social class had a much bigger impact on group dynamics than race and ethnicity did. I anticipated that I wouldn’t experience much change moving from one working-class community to the next.

I was wrong. The following two years that I would spend living in Bradford would plant a flowering seed in my head that would subsequently grow into my realization and understanding of the war on the West.

Upon my first evening living in my new city, my housemate and I went exploring in order to locate the nearby shops. On that evening and many evenings after, we were leered at, approached, intimidated, verbally abused, groped, and followed by Pakistani men of all ages. We soon learned that it wasn’t safe to be out after dark alone, and it wasn’t safe to wander into some areas at any time of day. This was a shock to me, and a far cry from the community where I had grown up.

I could spend a lengthy amount of time detailing my experiences of living in Bradford. On one occasion, my friend and I had to run into a shop for safety because we were being pursued by a group of men. We phoned the police, who arrived, took a statement from us, and drove us home. There were multiple occasions where I was told to leave an area by Pakistani men because I was white and wasn’t welcome there. There were also times when I was offered money for sex in broad daylight. I was only a teenager at the time.

In my experience, Pakistani men, as a group, do not treat women with the same level of dignity and respect that white men do. I imagine if a feminist was to read this account, she would say that I had unconscious biases and inaccurate preconceptions about an entire ethnic group. I call it being able to recognize trends based on thousands of encounters.

In the future, I would learn that a number of the girls I went to school with (who had likewise grown up on my estate) had been “groomed” and raped by Pakistani men. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of British girls have suffered at the hands of predominantly Pakistani Muslims – some were even tortured and murdered – yet our police and social services cover it up, our media ignore it, and anybody who draws attention to it is vilified and belittled by the state and media until the public either no longer take them seriously or they learn to keep their distance.

My exposure to multiculturalism taught me that we’re not all the same. I learnt that ethnicity influences culture, and cultures are often incompatible. I then followed the rabbit hole down the passage of mass immigration, “hate speech” censorship, state-enforced white guilt, and financier meddling, until I arrived at the conclusion I still support today: nationalism is not only healthy, it’s necessary for the survival of our people.

The War Against White Women

I consider the demographic replacement of Europeans to be the single most important issue we face today. In many nations across the West, we are merely a few decades away from becoming minority populations within our own land. This is, of course, completely unnatural and has been orchestrated by a rootless clique of international businessmen. This means that our replacement is not being carried out in the open. Although it does involve the mass importation of non-whites into our lands, the diminishment of whites is carried out in a less direct way. Native fertility rates in white countries are being lowered by the continuous promotion of feminism, abortion, promiscuity, and mixed-race relationships; all of which offer a temporary relief or thrill for the white woman, followed by long-term damage and feelings of unfulfillment, in most cases.

At the same time, our racial bonds are being weakened by the severance and rewriting of our history, and the popularized notion that to support white well-being is to be racist. For the white woman, this can be a confusing position to be in. We are often included under the umbrella of minorities, but only when this suits the mainstream narrative. If a white woman goes head-to-head with the number one enemy – the white man – in a sexual abuse case, for example, then we would be portrayed as the victim; the vulnerable sufferer of the straight, white patriarchy. However, if our position doesn’t conform to what is expected of us (for example, white women voting for Trump, or not being “intersectional” enough in their brand of feminism), then in these circumstances we are painted as the oppressor and the betrayer. It appears to me that as a white woman, I may live my life as individualistically as I like, and promote as much degeneracy, narcissism, or consumerism as I like, but collectivism is only an option for me if it is non-white collectivism that I lay on the table. To clarify: black lives matter, and we must stop the defamation of the Jewish people; however, it is not okay to be white.

I mentioned the promotion of feminism, abortion, promiscuity, and mixed-raced relationships above. These four tools, which are being used to speed up our demographic replacement, are also having a detrimental effect on the well-being of white women.

Feminism, masquerading as a movement based on so-called “equality,” has conditioned women into thinking that we can and should live our lives like men. It all seems somewhat pointless to me, if not solely because feminists are campaigning for the freedom to do things that they don’t actually want to do. A current (and rather heavily-backed) feminist crusade in Britain is to get more women working in politics in order to reflect the fact that our population is half male and half female, yet studies show that there is a lack of female representation in politics because there is a lack of female applicants, due to a lack of women aspiring to a political career. As a female who is interested in politics, I confirm that I struggle to find other females to engage with about this topic. So why, we must ask ourselves, are we forcing it?

I believe this correlates with other areas of female liberation, such as emotion and consequence-free sex, the abolishment of traditional gender roles in the home, and the all-round crushing of the patriarchy: Women are under the assumption that to be “equal,” we must be the same. This approach undermines both science and happiness. We’re unable to imitate our male counterparts because, quite frankly, we’re different to our male counterparts, both genetically and culturally. This is why fitness tests in the British Army and Police Service are being made easier for women, exam times are being increased at Oxford University so that women are more likely to pass, and state-enforced diversity quotas have been established across Britain so that women can be selected for their gender rather than their skill. By setting ourselves up for a life living as – as Francis Parker Yockey puts it – “inferior men,” we are not only setting ourselves up to fail, but we are setting ourselves up for a life of unhappiness.

Women have never had as many rights as we have today, yet our happiness is declining. Richard Houck mentioned this study in “The War Against White Women,” but I would like to reiterate it once more. Economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers analyzed the happiness trends of American citizens between the years 1970 and 2005. They discovered that women rated their overall life satisfaction higher than men in 1970; however, this has gradually declined over the years. By the 1990s, women were less satisfied than men for the first time. A major survey carried out by Girlguiding in Britain this year also found that girls and young women aged 7-21 are more unhappy than they were when the same survey was carried out a decade ago. Twenty-five percent of girls who took part said they were “very happy,” compared to forty-one percent who said the same in 2009.

It is also interesting to watch the trends in pop culture. Adele, who has broken a colossal number of records with her songs about female heartache, loneliness, despair, and anxiety, is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) female musicians of our time. As Morgoth wrote in 2017:

The more pertinent question to ask is not ”why is Adele so popular?” but rather, ”why does the well of female gloom run so deep?”.

After all, hasn’t ”The Modern Woman” got it all? The modern white woman in Europe or North America, today, inhabits a culture and society which places hardly any restrictions on her behaviour at all! and yet alcoholism in women is at an all time high, women are beset with mental health issues: 20% of women in Britain are clinically depressed, they’re on pills for their nerves, pills for their insomnia, pills for their ADHD, it’s a veritable boom time for the pharmaceutical market.

I saw an article in the popular women’s magazine Cosmopolitan last week in which they advertised a wine glass for women which you can use in the shower. Women and young girls were “tagging” each other underneath the article and expressing to each other, for all to see, how much they needed this glass. This reminded me of a number of articles I saw during the release of Adele’s last album, in which a number of grief-stricken and heartbroken journalists advised women that it was time to crack open the wine and chocolate and have a good cry. Why is crying with a glass of wine the new “cool” and the new accepted norm? And why are white women becoming unhappier as the years roll by? Could it be that we were happier in simpler times, living under the natural dignity and virtue of our gender, embodying traits and carrying out roles that came organically and instinctively to us for thousands of years?

White women are encouraged to be self-sufficient and independent, but how many of us actually want that, deep down? And I don’t mean how many of us say we want it, I mean how many of us actually crave a life of individualistic self-governance and loneliness? Every single strong woman I know – even the ones who say they enjoy commitment-free sexual relations – secretly wants to be thrown over the shoulder of a dominant alpha male and led to a life of protection and comfort. It is no secret that women prefer the traditional, masculine male; however, societal pressure tells us that if we want to build a home and raise children, then we’re boring and weak. Subsequently, promiscuity is encouraged, meaning that feminism and progressivism are unmistakably encouraging some women to behave in ways that don’t meet our long-term goals and don’t fulfill us beyond the short-term.

Despite the mainstream media constantly advising us that a “childfree life” is what will make us the happiest, studies have shown that being a parent leads to feelings of fulfillment and meaning in one’s life. Regardless, the average age in which a woman is having her first child is increasing, and the number of abortions which have been carried out has been on a steady surge since the 1970s. In Britain, for example, approximately five women in a thousand had undergone an abortion in 1970; a figure which had increased to 16.5 women per a thousand by 2017. It is difficult to determine how many women regret having an abortion. Although accounts are often circulated of women experiencing heartbreak and guilt, feminists – a small but vocal minority – are prone to brag about their experiences, boasting of multiple procedures while wearing vile “I heart abortion” slogans on their chests.

I do not believe for one moment that using abortion as a form of contraception, as white women often do in 2018, has zero mental implications for our health, yet its significance is downplayed by the mainstream narrative. The mental well-being of the white woman is a small price to pay for a decline in native fertility rates; in fact, some may even argue that unhappy white people make better consumers, at any rate.

No account of the war on white women would be complete without me addressing the mass-marketing of interracial relationships which we see today in the West. As has been discussed in quite some depth at Counter-Currents previously, the populations of Western nations are constantly hounded with images of interracial relationships in advertising; usually the image of a black man with a white woman. In Britain, it has become a running joke – if you can call it that – that the Christmas adverts in our largest stores will always feature mixed-race families or couples. This is in a country which was eighty-seven percent “white British” at the date of our last official census. This is also in a country where ninety-six percent of white British people choose to date somebody of their own ethnic group.

The clear aim here is to normalize certain attitudes and influence public behavior. The more white women we have dating non-white men, the less white people there will be, come the next generation.

A couple of years ago I was asked by a girl at work – in front of an audience of about ten people – if I was attracted to Anthony Joshua, a black boxer in Britain. I replied that I wasn’t. I was then asked why. “He’s 6′ 6″ and pure muscle,” my colleague added, “what’s not to like?” In my moment of hesitation, I wondered if it was acceptable to admit that I was only interested in white men. I thought about making something up to avoid the uncomfortable conversation that I knew would follow, but stopped myself from doing so. Why shouldn’t I be able to admit that I am only interested in white men? It’s a perfectly natural and healthy way to think. When I answered truthfully, by suggesting that I wasn’t attracted to black men and that I wanted to date a white man because I wanted white children, I was met with expressions of shock and disgust. What I remember about this encounter was the following: If I, as an open nationalist, had to pluck myself up in order to embrace the onslaught that followed, how uncomfortable must questions like this make apolitical females feel? Whereas I’d be comfortable holding a conversation about our falling fertility rates and explaining that it’s important that we choose to date our own, most females wouldn’t have that reasoning to fall back on. They’d have to admit they weren’t attracted to black men.

As we know, over time, people are more likely to say that they’d be open to dating people of other races, but their behavior paints a different picture. This highlights that people are seeking social approval for what they do and are less willing to admit something if they believe it means they’re going against the grain. As a woman – the naturally more sensitive of the two genders – this can be a difficult task to undertake. This is why I believe it’s important to lead by example. We need brave women to admit that they’re making a conscious decision to date within their own ethnic group, so that other women are more likely to follow. And there are a number of reasons for wanting to do this that we can give.

Interracial relationships are dangerous for the white woman in more than one way. From a safety point of view, as we know, black people are more likely to commit violent crime, and are overrepresented in prison populations across the West. In London, just to give one example, African Caribbeans are overrepresented in acid attacks by a whopping two hundred eighty-five percent. In addition to this, white women with mixed-race children are more likely to end up as single mothers (by a huge percentage), and mixed-race children are at a higher risk when it comes to questions of health, school experience, smoking, and drinking, among other risk variables.


The tools which have been set in motion for the demographic replacement of those of European descent are no doubt having a hugely negative effect on the health, well-being, and happiness of white women. The most obvious factor is, of course, the mass import of (often violent) non-whites into our nations and the subsequent response of the mainstream media, who are leading white women into danger intentionally by guilting them into thinking that it’s wrong to fear predators.

I truly believe that the answer – and the key to our long-term fulfillment – is nationalism. Not only will this keep us safe on a physical level and allow us to live in more homogeneous, secure environments, but it will also allow us to experience an awareness of local community, healthy traditions, and natural order, all of which can only be achieved, for the most part, among our own.

Laura Towler is an editor and writer with Defend Europa.

One Comment

  1. We have to do something about the twitter haters of all white women. Those ugly freaks should;d THANK white women for actually getting them their rights-Lord know THEY Were not part of the first wave of feminism or the lone feminists who came before it.


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