Proud of Being Guilty

By HMF Medaljen for Counter Currents Since July 2 of last year, people who have been prosecuted under Sweden’s so-called hate crime legislation during the last few years have begun receiving medals in their mailboxes. This important project was started by a group of patriots who are trying to remove …

The Marxist State Cometh

By Eric Striker for National Justice The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing to use mass data collection, interagency prioritization directives, psychological operations and online censorship to crush what its recently confirmed Secretary Alejandro Mayourkas, a Jew from Cuba, has deemed “domestic violent extremism,” National Justice can report. Who does the DHS consider …

True Colours

By Henry Fuller Davis for the Council of European Canadians The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is a radical document designed to wear down the sovereignty of the Canadian nation-state. Bill C-15 legally obligates Canada to fulfill the demands contained within UNDRIP. Trudeau’s Liberals have …

Welcome to Hell

By Karl Haemers for the Occidental Observer Here I examine the ethnic composition of quite possibly the most influential global organization transforming our world today and its plan to restructure the planet: The World Economic Forum. The WEF and its Executive Director Klaus Schwab are openly pursuing nothing less than …

Imperial Suicide

By Nicky Read for Anti Empire Sometimes I have this dream. A terrible dream. A dream about a war. It begins like any other war, with a big country attacking a weaker one. An empire chases an army of starving ghosts into a deep dark mountainous hole of caverns and …

Critical Race Theory

By Stephen Paul Foster for Counter Currents Thinking about the continuing plague of neo-Bolshevik assaults on our intelligence and our institutions brought me around to reflect on the difference between pure and applied disciplines of knowledge. Consider: pure or theoretical mathematics is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, …

Race Reality

By John Rand for the Occidental Observer We cannot discuss the failures of Black Americans without mentioning racial differences in intelligence and personality. Often we are led to believe by the mainstream media that disparities require correction in the form of diversity initiatives.  To some, the obvious explanation for the …