What is ‘Unreconstructed’?

By Jeff Paulk for Identity Dixie I have been asked this question, and here is what Merriam-Webster says: “not reconciled to some political, economic, or social change an unreconstructed rebel also: holding stubbornly to a particular belief, view, place, or style an unreconstructed hard-liner” In the SCV, to be Unreconstructed is to live “The Charge,” …

Finland Awake!

By Erik Svensson for Nordic Resistance   FINLAND. The Nordic Resistance Movement sent a delegation to the nationalist Independence Day demonstrations in Helsinki earlier this month. Here follows a report from one of the Swedish participants. When I awoke at 5 a.m. on Monday after a night with hardly any …

NJP – 2022 Review

By Warren Balogh for the NJP Two thousand twenty-two was a tremendous year for the National Justice Party. In only our second year of existence, we hosted several of the largest pro-White gatherings in decades, marched and rallied for racial justice for Whites in cities around the country, and greatly …

Remain Radical!

By Samuel Almroth for the Nordic Resistance Movement When talking about radicalism (our radicalism), one should also note how our principle opponents – the enemies of the people – act in an extremely radical way. Since 1945, the international Zionists have gradually succeeded in manipulating and corrupting Western governments and …

French Lessons

By Warren Balogh for the National Justice Party Politico reports that National Rally (aka the National Front) gained “an elevenfold increase to 89 seats that gives the party unprecedented power in the incoming National Assembly” in the French elections earlier this week.   National Rally’s breakthrough from eight seats to …