When Victims Rule


By Jewish Tribal Review, Published in Unknown



It is a daunting task to write a book, knowing full well that it swims counter
to one of the strongest contemporary currents, and that it will automatically
and categorically be rejected without investigation by the cultural, educational,
and political machinations of modern western society, not for failings in its
intellectual, scholarly, or moral rigor, but because its subject matter is publicly
configured (by militantly enforced convention tended to by a powerful “special
interest” group) to be beyond the pale of criticism. The subject matter in this
volume is individuals, by virtue of their identity within an extremely politically
active group, who are rendered completely free from the responsibility of such
group association. It is further daunting, and disturbing, that such a volume is
– by blanket dictate – condemned, even in its mere conception, to be an
immoral, innately prejudicial, and even evil, enterprise.

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