The War on Whites

By Frank Roman for WVW News

The pious rot that “there is only one race, the human race” is a deadly lie. Remember the following the next time you encounter an “anti-racist”.

On a routine visit to my doctor recently the subject of White disempowerment arose. She laughed at the very idea but wore a more pensive expression after I cited some supporting evidence. Reflecting later I realised that I could have come up with some additional material. This is a vital subject and it’s important to be able to deploy the key facts and memes should the opportunity arise.

I therefore offer the following as a starting point.

Affirmative action and quotas. This is quite blatant and open. Whites are discriminated against in admission to schools, colleges and various other institutions and suffer the same form of disadvantage when it comes to hiring policies in the job market as well as subsequent promotional opportunities.  Remember that this is a zero-sum game. Every non-White benefiting from AA or quotas means a corresponding number of Whites being disadvantaged.

Mass Third World immigration.   Not much to be added here other than it applies to White countries only (ever hear anyone say Africa or China should be flooded by Whites?), that it’s clearly organised and enabled by an array of politically motivated human rights legislation and supported by a sinister clique of media outlets and international bodies that are in lockstep with this genocidal policy.

Abuse, ridicule and marginalisation in “news” media and entertainment. The proverbial visitor from Mars today would assume that Western countries are about 50% non-White based on what he’d see in media and entertainment. In addition the heroes and Good Guys are invariably non-White with the dorks and Bad Guys invariably White. This has been accompanied by a growing campaign in support of miscegenation, in particular promoting the model of White female/black male couples.

Heritage and culture: The White achievement in building the most advanced civilisation the world has seen is universally minimised (‘they stole the wealth and science of others’), Christianity is routinely mocked and barred from the public arena, our literature is dismissed as the racist and misogynistic work of ‘dead White men’, art replaced by its repulsive and degraded ‘modern’ equivalent while White music, both classical and modern, is pushed aside in favour of mass produced and typically lower quality offerings whose taste and morality is at best questionable.

Hate legislation. This has strayed far from its original stated intention and has now been weaponised to silence and disempower Whites and only Whites. This initiative has been accompanied by biased court systems whereby heavy penalties are imposed on Whites for upsetting non-Whites while the latter are free to blackguard White people with little or no fear of any legal repercussions.

Diversity propagation.   A non-stop multi-channel barrage of pro-diversity propaganda has been operational in White countries – and only White countries – for several decades. Diversity’s benefits have been endlessly touted – but never specified. Of course, there are none, least of all for those being diversified (Whites). Note that diversity has come to mean too many White people. As these policies have been rolled out so too their implementation. Diversifying cities is no longer enough – note both London and Paris already have non-European majorities – and is being expanded to include every town and village, there’s no escape.

Curtailing freedom of association. Whites are precluded both de jure and de facto in most Western countries from having their own clubs, associations or residential areas with negative effects on social cohesion and miscegenation. Of course ‘minorities’ labour under no such restrictions as any member of the Black Lawyers’ Association will confirm.

This War on Whites neither kills outright nor inflicts apparent physical harm, yet the extent of its destructive toll is already greater than that of any war, plague, famine, or natural calamity on record. And its potential damage to the quality of human life and the fabric of civilised society is beyond calculation.

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