Coronavirus and the Crisis of Neoliberalism

By Chad Crowley for the Occidental Observer Introduction: Many of the world’s contemporary ills are a direct result of the philosophies, actions and policies of the mainstream establishment, its elites, and their bizarre ideology-cum-religion of liberalism, more recently dubbed “neoliberalism” in its most extreme incarnation. Figuratively speaking, it’s more than …

Impressions of Hitler

By Leon Degrelle for Truth to Power “Hitler — You knew him — what was he like?” I have been asked that question a thousand times since 1945, and nothing is more difficult to answer. Approximately two hundred thousand books have dealt with the Second World War and with its …

Covid: A US Bioweapon?

By Ron Unz for Russia Insider Nearly 30,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus during the last two weeks, and by some estimates this is a substantial under-count, while the death-toll continues to rapidly mount. Meanwhile, measures to control the spread of this deadly infection have already cost 22 million …


By William de Vere for Counter Currents While mankind suffers through the worst global crisis in recent memory, the rest of the world appears to be benefiting from our discomfiture. The quarantines, travel bans, and economic stagnation brought about by COVID-19 have had a number of unintended consequences for the …

The Cheka

By Karl Nemmersdorf for the Occidental Observer In “Ted Gold and the Jews of Weatherman” (September 2017 in TOO), I wrote, in describing a envisioned takeover of the United States by the Jewish radical group Weatherman, “Cue the return of leather-jacketed coke-snorting Jewish secret police rounding up the gentiles for …

Multiculturalism in the Age of Coronavirus

By Andrew Joyce for the Occidental Observer “Promote a sense of collectivism: All messaging should reinforce a sense of community, that ‘we are all in this together.’ This will avoid increasing tensions between different groups.” Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies  (SAGE) The above advice was given to the British government …

Death of a Nation

By Michael Walsh for the Ethnic European From Dublin and Cork to the smaller towns, there is no place in Ireland untouched by the tyranny of multiculturalism and the White genocide agenda. As the heavily promoted demographic shift afflicts the Western world, Ireland rarely gets a mention. We hear about …

The Spiritual Struggle

By Townes Van Plants for Truth to Power After two decades of exploring and studying every country, culture, religion and spirituality I could, while getting a degree in comparative religion along the way, I came to one conclusion: If you don’t believe in God, it’s because you’re either ignorant or …